
Do I know you?

Some days ago I was having a shower and I was thinking about activities I could use in retrospectives with teams where the communication doesn’t flow so much, after some thinking I came up with one that I’m gonna call Do I know you? it...

Retrospective for Agile Coaches

Today morning I came with the duty of facilitating a retro together with my teammate, he and I the day before agreed to prepare it a little bit on our own in order to come the following morning with some ideas, we wanted to surprise the people that...

The 5 dysfunctions of a team

This post is not what you expect, I’m not gonna explain you the 5 dysfunctions of a team, you can actually know it by searching it in Google in 1 minute, what I’m going to do is going over my past experiences in order to identify each of...

Introduction to OKRs

Introduction to OKRs

Popular goal management frameworks Let’s first get some background about from where they come from. Management by objectives (MBO) Is the process of defining specific objectives within an organization that management can convey to organization...

Moving towards Teal Management

Lately, I have been reading about this topic, even if is not something new the book Reinventing-Organizations gave me a good overview of all the organizational stages humanity has been running on, maybe you don’t know what is the Teal paradigm yet...

Marcos Pacheco


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